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Pencoed & District

Angling Club

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PADAC is a highly proactive club when it  comes to Conversation matters. 


What makes fly-fishing the Ewenny so special is the habitat; it supports an abundant food-chain, crucial for maintaining the healthy, wild fish stocks, and it provides a wonderful, unspoilt environment in which to enjoy the river's bounty. But keeping this quality does involve input from the club.


A trailer full of rubbish after a morning's litter-pick

On the last sunday morning of every month, volunteer members meet for a couple of hours to share the essential tasks that keep the river safe, clean, looking natural and above all, a joy to fish. Tasks vary, from litter-picks, to fallen tree removal, pruning, removing invasive species, bank reinforcement, fencing and stile repair and so on. In many repects, this involvement of just a couple of hours a monthis what makes all the difference to the Ewenny so, if you're joining the club, please lend a hand!

Bank protection work using hinged-felling and staked brashings

In their own right, these occasional work parties are something of a social event, enjoyed by all who take part, and are amply rewarded by freshly brewed tea and chocolate biscuits on the river bank, along with plenty of fishy anecdotes! At any one time, PADAC enjoys the support of up to 30% of its membership at these mornings, and it's this enthusiasm that creates and supports the wonderful fishing PADAC has to offer. It's crucially important to the quality of the fishing and the excellent relationship with the various landowners who grant us access to the river.

PADAC also works in partnership with The Grayling Society, The Wild Trout Trust, Keep Wales Tidy and Natural Resources Wales. Their involvement, guidance and expertise is invaluable.

Ewenny flow deflectors Oct 4 (531 x 618)
Ewenny flow deflectors 1 (516 x 368)

Wooden Flow Deflectors fixed into the bed of the Nursery Area. The disrupted flow loosens and sorts the gravel, providing ideal spawning grounds whilst also providing shelter for fry.

WTT logo 2
Keep Wales Tidy logo
Environment Agency logo

PADAC's conservation partners:

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